
  • 美食
  • 共13集  |  每集 45分钟
  • New Scandinavian Cooking with Andreas Viestad foll…New Scandinavian Cooking with Andreas Viestad follows a simple recipe for success. Take one custom-designed, portable kitchen. Add a dynamic chef whose taste for adventure is surpassed only by his ability to work with food. Stir in a hearty helping of Scandinavian culture and history, and then set the whole concoction loose amid the gorgeous Norwegian countryside. The result is a cooking/travel series unlike any other!Host Andreas Viestad is one of Norway’s most respected food joualists and the author of a collection of award-winning cookbooks. Andreas brings a truly fresh approach to the art of cooking. Using traditional Scandinavian ingredients and simple techniques, he creates mode dishes that are as unique and delicious as they are easy to prepare.


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